Every UT Austin student knows the term “the drag.” Whether it’s a place where you grab a bite, a place you shop or just a place you cross to get to class, it’s nearly impossible to avoid and almost more impossible to not stop in one of the businesses. In an effort to become “one with the drag” this finals season, grab a pen and some paper and take this quiz to determine what drag eatery you truly are.
By Katie Samuelsen
Photos by Megan Prendergast
What’s your ideal Saturday night?
Catching up with friends
Ordering pizza
Going to the gym
Frat party hopping
Going to a concert
What could you not live without?
My fitbit
My iPhone
What’s your favorite ATX spot?
The Capital
Anywhere with pizza
Lake Austin running trails
Zilker Park
The Graffiti Park
How would your friends describe you?
Classy and driven
Pizza lover
What’s your favorite artist?
Passion Pit
Justin Bieber
Tame Impala
Mostly 1’s: You are Caffe Medici!
Like Caffe Medici, a place where people can share a coffee with friends or study. You’re both driven and social. You also have a taste for the finer things in life and won’t settle for bad coffee!
Are you surprised? When you want pizza, you go out there and get it. How convenient that they’re always making pizza at the same time you’re craving it? (AKA 24-7!). You go, pizza lover, seize the day.
Mostly 3’s: You are Jamba Juice!
You’re pretty healthy, but you still like to have fun! Just like how at Jamba Juice you can get your wheatgrass shot or your extra protein before the gym, while still getting great fresh flavors you deserve.
Though Chipotle is often considered basic, we all know it’s delicious. You may not be a big trendsetter, but you sure know what’s good and you stick with it. There’s nothing wrong with that.
East Side King is an acquired taste. Just like East Side King, you can seem secretive at first and too cool, but once people get to know the real you, they love it, just like the die-hard East Side King fans love their Tori Meshi.