In preparation of 2016’s first and only Vice Presidential debate (i.e. watch the most average men in politics engage in subdued bickering), I popped a Lean Cuisine in the microwave and stretched out on my couch with my laptop in hand. I placed myself in the most uninteresting setting that I could think of in honor of perhaps one of the most unremarkable events of the 2016 election.
Story by Audrey Marlett
Unlike last week’s events (the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton) the Vice Presidential debate was met with indifference from the American population and public figures alike.
Since the vice presidential debate was about as interesting as a damp graham cracker, we decided to compile a collection of gifs and pictures to highlight a few average points of the debate, to spare you the agony.
The debate began with a discussion on economic policy. Tim Kaine kicked the debate into gear with some surprisingly feisty burns regarding Donald Trump’s questionable economic plan. In the past, Trump has asserted that he believes the minimum wage is “too high,” and has vocalized his intention to prioritize tax cuts for the wealthy. Hillary Clinton has stated her intention to raise the minimum wage while opposing tax cuts for the rich.
Kaine: “Do you (audience) want a ‘you’re hired’ president in Hillary Clinton or do you (Pence) want a ‘you’re fired’ president in Donald Trump?”
Pence, who was noticeably lacking in the one-liner department, accused Kaine of having “pre-done lines,” or preparing all of his insults in advance.
Setting the tone for the lively debate, Mike Pence made a reference to his Midwestern background.
“I grew up with a cornfield in my backyard,” Pence said.
Later in the debate, when Pence denied Trump’s notorious insults, Pence claimed that Trump’s insults were “small potatoes” in comparison to Clinton’s insults. Potato, pot-ah-toh. Call it what you will, but the American people agree it’s downright distasteful.
Once the debate was underway, Kaine began aggressively interrupting Pence with a level of ferocity that no one had anticipated. Trump’s alleged refusal to pay taxes was consistently reiterated by Kaine. As a retort, Pence claimed that Trump contributed thousands of jobs to the economy and “created a business that’s worth billions of dollars.”
Pence then mentioned the alleged corruption of the Clinton Foundation in accepting foreign donations. Kaine interrupted, saying that the Clinton Foundation provided medication to thousands in need and surpassed organizations such as the Red Cross.
Throughout the debate, moderator and anchor for CBS news, Elaine Quijano, had to ask both candidates to stop interrupting each other. They responded by continuing to interrupt each other. From Pence advocating for unconstitutional stop-and-frisk, to Kaine labeling Trump a “maniac” that shouldn’t have access to our nuclear codes, the debate was a cyclical disaster of constant interruptions and menacing glares from Pence.
What was supposed to be the most anti-climactic political event in 2016, turned out to be extremely stressful to watch. Above all else, the Vice Presidential debate made us all realize that we will never be #blessed with another Joe Biden.