Grocery shopping is often viewed as an onus for college students, but from grinding your own almond butter to receiving endless free samples, a trip to the supermarket can be an exciting adventure. Austin has a variety of grocery stores, each with its own unique flair. Find out which store best matches your personality.
Story by Abby Moore
Illustrations by Alex Guillen
What’s at the top of your grocery list?
a. Your favorite guilty pleasure snack
b. Fresh fruits and veggies
c. Cereal and milk
d. Deli meats and cheeses
Which describes your ideal Sunday morning?
a. Getting brunch with friends
b. Going for a run around Town Lake
c. Sleeping in and lounging in front of the TV
d. Visiting the farmer’s market
Which describes your perfect getaway?
a. Soaking up the sun in Fiji
b. Backpacking through Europe
c. Visiting Yellowstone National Park
d. Going on a safari
a. Parmesan
b. Goat
c. Cheddar
d. Gouda
Which movie genre is your go-to?
a. Romantic comedy
b. Documentary
c. Animation
d. Adventure
Mostly A’s: Trader Joe’s
You are unique and passionate. Just like Trader Joe’s, you flaunt your own personal brand and you’re proud of it. You are put-together and assured without being pompous. Just as the loyal Trader Joe’s customers trust their store, people rely on you too. Your steadfast and inviting personality allows you to establish and maintain genuine friendships.
Mostly B’s: Whole Foods
A.k.a. ‘The mothership.’ You, like the first established Whole Foods, are a true Austinite. You love being active and celebrating the beauty that nature offers. You are dedicated and hardworking, which allows you to value the finer things in life. You’re not afraid to spend an extra buck to get the quality you deserve.
Mostly C’s: H.E.B.
You are reliable and easy-going. Friends often turn to you when they’re in need. No matter how busy you may be, you are always willing to provide. Like the recognizable H.E.B. logo, you are a familiar face people know they can depend on.
Mostly D’s: Central Market
Being with you is an adventure. Like the free samples at Central Market, you’re always offering an exciting new element. You are relentlessly curious and strive to get information directly from its source. You consume the world with all five senses, allowing you to both lead and grow in your community.