Photo Courtesy of Shervin Lainez
Jade Bird is an emerging artist from the United Kingdom who released her debut album “Something American,” this year, which has been featured by NPR Music and Pitchfork being that it is one of the most refreshing debuts of 2017. Bird will perform at Stubb’s on Oct. 14 alongside First Aid Kit as apart of ACL’s Official Late Night Show series. She will be back in Austin at the end of the month for a show on Oct. 31 at Antone’s with Son House.
Story by Onaje McDowelle
ORANGE Magazine got in touch with Jade Bird to discuss her thoughts going into ACL.
What’s your favorite city?
I do love London, but LA & Nashville are incredible places.
What was your favorite toy when you were little?
I was very fond of a man size cuddly husky dog teddy,as well as a monkey,but then again Barbies were pretty good back then too. I had the whole village set out under the stairs haha!
What album can you not stop listening to right now?
“Surrealistic Pillow” by Jefferson Airplane
“A prayer for the unemployed” by First Hate
What was your worst vacation?
I went to Berlin the day after New Year’s Eve and just froze to death. Tried to get into the Berghain, a notorious club to get into, and well, I didn’t get in.
What’s your weirdest tour experience?
Probably when me and Mum stopped off in Hamburg for the first time while supporting Rag n Bone man. It was a Christmas market but very explicit things were being sold,chocolate things.We went to a drag show that night too, but that was just great!
What was the best thing that happened to you this past week?
Having a fitting for my outfit for the Stephen Colbert show was so exciting.
If you could compete in an Olympic sport, summer or winter, which would you compete in and why?
Jeez, something I didn’t have to run in, because running is hell!! Maybe one of those ones where you fling yourself off a high snow pile in skis.
Who is your celebrity crush?
Shawn Mendes but he’s turned down all my marriage requests.One day he’ll see!
What songs make you think of your hometown?
“All the things she said.” I remember not being allowed to watch the raunchy video when I was younger and therefore wanting to listen to the song even more!
Are you more of a coffee or tea kind of person?
Tea. Tea. Everyday Tea.
Do you have any pets?
One, my dog and the love of my life
What are you excited about right now?
Performing on the Stephen Colbert Show!
What’s your earliest memory?
Being in my grandma’s living room dancing to “Cotton-Eyed Joe” and “Man I feel like a woman”
What was your first impression of one of your bandmates the first time you met?
Well, Matt Johnson my drummer just made me want to be like Matt Johnson. He’s the calmest, coolest guy. And great at making sweet potatoes… and playing the drums, of course.
What would be your dream collaboration?
Feist, Chris Stapleton or Civil wars reunion