Alongside New York duo Overcoats, Tennis ended what frontwoman Alaina Moore said was their craziest tour yet last Saturday night at Emo’s. The two groups had a long journey to the Emo’s stage and made sure to end the tour with a bang.
By Miranda Chiechi
After releasing their first album “YOUNG” in April 2017, Overcoats joined Tennis’ North American tour. Before and after taking the stage, frontwomen Hana Elion and JJ Mitchell took time to hang out with fans at the merch table, reflecting the love and support they have for one another.
Overcoats prepare for the show backstage.
The duo graced the stage with matching shirts and started the show off by sharing a hug. They continued the show with a style unlike any other group. Performing uniquely coordinated dance moves, they first-bumped each other halfway through their set. To end the show, Overcoats brought their entire crew out in matching red outfits and had a dance party during their last song to celebrate the end of tour. Overcoats’ high energy infected all the concert-goers.
Before long, the lights dimmed and guitarist Patrick Riley stepped on stage. His wife, singer of Tennis, Alaina Moore, glided to her keyboard shortly after, greeted by a rumbling of cheers. The duo began enchanting the crowd with their ‘50s-sounding tunes and Moore’s angelic voice.
Moore’s emotional performance enchanted the crowd.
Between songs, Moore told the fans about the tour. After getting influenza and having a seizure halfway through the tour, Moore was forced to cancel a few shows in order to heal. Shortly after, Riley’s father passed away. Moore waited until the last show date to honor him for supporting their music, being in cover bands himself and gifting her the keyboard they used on their first album and tour.
Fighting through tears, Moore finished the last few songs, dedicating them to Riley’s father. To finish the show, she kissed her husband’s shoulder and proceeded to play her favorite song of theirs, “Bad Girls.” From the couple’s deep love to their experiences over the past three months and personal anecdotes, Tennis left the crowd feeling raw with emotion and in awe of the duo.