When trying to save money on groceries, a common thought is to sacrifice fresh foods for cheaper processed foods. However, an easy trick for reducing the cost of food is to consider what foods are in season because they will be cheaper at the grocery store. Instead of compromising health for cost, focus on what is in season and save money in the process.
Story by Abby Morgan
Illustration by Ella Williams
The roadmap below is layout of all of the produce that is made in Texas throughout the year. The seasons for Texas don’t necessarily follow a strict fall and spring schedule. This is partially due to the extreme heat that occurs in the summer months. When planning meals or groceries for the week, look over this chart to save some money on fresh produce.
Photo courtesy of Brighter Bites
There are also other reasons to shop local produce that is considered in season. This is a way to support local farming and in turn, meals will be healthier and better for the environment. Local produce will not include ethylene gas which is used in produce that is shipped long distances to make it appear natural ripened whereas local produce traditionally will have no need since it does not need to be shipped. They also will contain more nutrients since the produce is allowed to ripen naturally. Additionally, this is better for the environment because when there is less produce being shipped long distances, reducing the CO2 emissions.
Whether local produce is at a farmer’s market or a local HEB, fresh produce can be a way to avoid sacrificing quality for quantity. Groceries can be cheaper and still include healthy options, so when planning out meals, consider the chart and enjoy the nutritious meals!