Balance your mind and let romance reign with ORANGE Magazine’s specially curated Libra playlist.
Story by Savannah Olson
Illustration by Carlos Villapudua
The beginning of fall brings to mind an assortment of things to be excited about. From the slight cooling of Texas’ unbearable heat, to the celebration of all things spooky, there’s still one highly anticipated event missing, and that’s Libra season y’all!
As a fellow Libra, I can attest to the rise in power Libras feel from Sept. 23 to Oct. 22. Our ability to find the harmony in the chaotic world around us is heightened, as are some of our weaknesses. If you can’t figure out where to eat for the fiftieth time, that indecisiveness is a negative Libra tendency. According to Broadly’s staff astrologer, Annabel Gat, “Libras could swing either way here: they might feel totally frugal while their ruling planet retrogrades, afraid to spend anything, or they might say fuck it and spend it all!”
Another aspect of the Libra agenda is romance. Stemming from the ruling planet of Venus, Libra’s enjoy a rom-com worthy relationship full of dreamy meet-cutes and romantic-gestures.
But beware! The influence of Venus can also cause a desire for extravagance, leading to only dust popping up out of your wallet towards the end of Libra season.
The key to a thriving Libra life is balance. Libra’s symbol is a scale after all! From traits like honesty, justice, indecisiveness, and romance, this playlist balances the scale of warring Libra emotions.
indulge in your libra tendencies and take a listen to this playlist while you throw on a sheet mask and sip some wine