Creative Direction:
Meredith Cambis, Lydia Wagner
Photography by:
Kelly Kim
Videography by:
Maya Dandashi// @maya_danda
Edited by:
Sara Trevino // @sarah_jajaa
Sloane Wick // @sloanewick
Models Featured:
Cruz Rendon
Marie Bennett
Mackenzie Dyer
In a surreal age when screens, dreams and holograms mix together, we are left among our technology as prehistoric humans, trying to absorb the nuance and escape from a digital world. Digesting so many images per day, how can we discern what is real from what is not? Tech and dreams are innately intertwined now. And digital disruptions can even keep us from our dreams – whether we stare at tiny screens instead of allowing natural sleep, or intake too many edited photos and lose the confidence to follow our intuition. In some ways, technology is a dream. In some ways, it has done us wrong.
This is The Dreamer’s Issue – Tech Sur-Reality.