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By Dahlia Dandashi
When Alex Strenger was in college, he used to get really, really drunk and keep a journal, the culmination of which was published as a book in 2011.
But before you read “Dear Diary I’m Wasted,” here are some things you should know:
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DISCLAIMER: Strenger says he is 100 percent aware of the pros and cons of publishing his book. “The fact that I kept this journal made me a douche, but instead of rationalizing it, I’ve accepted my douchiness,” Strenger says.
Who the hell is this guy?
Alex Strenger is a 28-year-old New Yorker who currently resides in Austin, Texas. He is a pedi-cab driver, substitute teacher and brave author of “Dear Diary I’m Wasted.” He didn’t want to get a job after college and turned his journal entries into a book so that he could get paid “millions of dollars to do nothing.” “That hasn’t happened yet,” Strenger says.
What’s so interesting about this book?
The book is a chronological compilation of Strenger’s college days and nights in Binghamton University in New York. Strenger’s drunken thoughts, poor spelling and obscene vocabulary create a witty and honest book. Even when drunk, Strenger was successfully able to put his thoughts to paper and create a controversial but entertaining read. His website gives a peek into his published book of thoughts.
What were his goals in writing it?
Aside from wanting to make millions of dollars, Strenger dreamt of becoming a secret character in NBA JAM. “I’ve loved that game since I was a little kid and mentioned it over 40 times in my book. Being in that game would be like a childhood dream coming true,” Strenger says.
Okay, so, what’s something we can find in his book?
“Hans and the chocolate moustache” is Stenger’s favorite story. You can read it here on his website.
Wait, are the stories real?
Yes. All of the stories reflect true events of Strenger’s college adventures.
And what about the people?
All the characters in the book are real, too. However, their names and physical appearances have been completely altered. “These people are pretty much unidentifiable,” Strenger says. “I didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings in the process…. Or get sued.”
Do his friends and family know about the book?
For the most part, the people in the stories don’t know about his book. His mother found out when 200 copies were delivered to her house.
How well is the book received? By whom?
Strenger says his book has been received positively for the most part. Most of the positive reviews have come from women.
How has the book changed his life?
Strenger spent the past year trying to teach elementary school but couldn’t find a job. He says the Austin Independent School District tends to frown upon someone who wrote a book about getting drunk.
How does it end?
“Read the book. I’m not trying to give anything away,” Strenger says. “That’s ridiculous.”
Is another book in the works?
Yes, Strenger is keeping a substitute teacher journal. You can follow him on Twitter @sub_probs.
Strenger’s book is available for purchase on Amazon.com