Every October Zilker Park is transformed into an audible oasis for music lovers in the Austin area and all over the globe. In a crowd of so many people, you are bound to hear some wild things. ORANGE picked some of the best things #OverheardatACL.
By Claire Hardwick
Greatest overheard quote while waiting for the Weeknd at ACL: “Im really tired but like… i wanna rage.. you know what i mean?”
— Richy (@LyttleRichy) October 5, 2015
After standing in the heat all day, it takes a special kind of festival perseverance to stay pumped until the gates closes.
overheard at ACL: “dude I don’t care man I would do drake over Taylor swift anyday”
— plane jane (@chickenjanes) October 4, 2015
Taylor Swift was nowhere to be found at this year’s ACL, despite this joke lineup that had some fooled a few minutes longer than they would like to admit, but this tweet answers the pressing question on everyone’s mind: if you had a choice, would you go for Drake or Taylor.
“I soaked my socks in vodka to get it past security, so we’re good.” #overheardatacl #ACL2015
— Sean Duffy (@dearmrduffy) October 3, 2015
The real question is, how did this person drink the vodka from their soaked socks once they were past the security gates?
Old man saying “Deadmau- five”.
— Nicole Alexis (@QueenNicolexD) October 4, 2015
When your Dad tries, but fails to blend in with the hipster crowds.
“What I wouldn’t give to be in a wheelchair” #overheardatACL (actually @angelillbeback said this)
— Laura (@lauraleizy) October 2, 2015
Hope you enjoyed the muscle fatigue and gallons of sweat that is Austin City Limits Music Festival.