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Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin


Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin


Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin


How To Be an Adult: Know Your Alcohol

February 23, 2015

As you transition into adulthood, you will want to be able to identify alcoholic beverages outside Smirnoff shots and Keystone. 


Women in RTF

January 23, 2015

Thursday afternoon, a smiling girl with long brown hair leads her 3D film class in a workshop. With an intense look of concentration and an unbreakable train of thought, it’s utterly fascinating to watch her work with the camera. 


How To Be An Adult: Know Your News

October 27, 2014

It's 7 a.m. and you've just woken up after having slept a delicious eight hours. You do your yoga, jump in the shower, make some eggs and whole wheat English muffins and then settle down before class with a hot cup of joe and The New York Times. You've read almost the entire paper before you realize that it's time to head to school. As you walk out of your apartment to your shiny, vintage Jaguar you realize that your car alarm is going off. Wait a minute, you don't have a car alarm ... you don't even have a car. That alarm going off is your alarm clock, you big dummy! You've pressed snooze six times and class starts in 10 minutes!


How To Be An Adult: Knowing Your Coffee

October 6, 2014

For some inexplicable reason, adult humans, dating all the way back to 400 B.C. have not only loved coffee, but have relied on it just to function. It's a proven fact that cavemen couldn't properly tend to their woolly mammoths without having a skinny iced soy vanilla caramel mocha latte with foam and low-fat gluten-free whipped cream to give them their morning caffeine boost. Of course this is a joke, guys. That drink has no caffeine in it.

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