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Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin


Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin


Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin



Simply Sarah: Six Easy Changes to Live Healthier

April 30, 2015

What better time than the cusp of summer to make some simple diet changes? These six simple tips will improve your physical and mental well being, and they’re easy enough to start today.

Linked: Long Distance Relationships

April 14, 2014

Many of us went away to college and left our loved ones behind. It’s hard to say goodbye to our parents, friends and, even worse, our high school relationship. So hard, in fact, that some of us don’t say goodbye. Long distance relationships in college are fairly common, especially for underclassmen. When we fall in love young, we are willing to turn our world upside down for our boyfriend or girlfriend. Now, we take the next step in life, and sometimes, that step is miles away from love. 

Linked: A Take on Meaningful Relationships

February 18, 2014

Relationships, life connections — we all have them. You and your lover, your mom and her hairdresser, or your roommate and chocolate. These are all important links that should not be overlooked. With the many different kinds of relationships in our lives, it's easy to remain unaware or even take for granted this symbiosis. This column will explore the good and bad connections in our lives.

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