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Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin


Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin


Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin



Trump & Tiaras

November 9, 2016

On the campaign trail, Trump and his family along with Mike Pence have shown their grace and talent like the young hopefuls in TLC’s “Toddlers & Tiaras.” With great hair, style and unforgettable speeches, they deserve their own pageant awards.


10 Reasons Not to Vote

November 8, 2016

Point is, there are barely any good excuses not to vote if you’re registered.


Final Thoughts During Election Week

November 7, 2016

Whatever position you’re in, ORANGE gets it, and we’re here to relate to your stress with this list of thoughts that will/have likely crossed your mind during the final days of the election.


The Other Person on the Ballot: Getting to Know the Vice Presidential Candidates

October 27, 2016

Here, we’re breaking down some of the political stances of Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence and Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine.


Remember the Good Times: Election 2016

October 21, 2016

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s faces plastered across your television, their voices ringing through your ears as you desperately try to change the channel, but every button you click leads to another show discussing one thing: the 2016 election.


If Politicians Were Overplayed Wedding Songs

October 10, 2016

With so many similarities between the election and a wedding, we could not help but wonder: what if politicians were overplayed wedding reception songs?


Unleashing the Sleeping Giant: Latino & Election 2016

October 6, 2016

Although past elections have shown Latinos as the minority population with the lowest voter turnout in America, Latinos have been identified as the game changers or the “sleeping giants” for this year's election.


If Longhorns Controlled the White House

August 25, 2016

A new political party is being formed as we speak. This party is neither Republican nor Democratic. No blue or red here, only burnt orange.


#WhatTheBuzz: #IAmNotPresidentBecause

April 8, 2016

Politically-interested tweeters took it to the next level with #IAmNotPresidentBecause.

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