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Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin


Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin


Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin



How To Doctor A Cake Mix

April 9, 2019

Gotta work with what you’ve got! ORANGE experiments on boxed cake mix for a unique, but still quick, treat.


Our Grandma’s Recipe Book: Mexican Pan de Muerto

November 1, 2018

Continuing in our exploration of how students express themselves through their food, check out this recipe for Pan de Muerto and learn about the Mexican holiday, Día de los Muertos.


ORANGE Baking Basics

April 21, 2015

ORANGE shares some tips and recipes for baking from scratch. 


Simply Sarah: Guide to Grocery Shopping

April 16, 2015

What kind of foods should you be eating to make that six-pack peek out? It all starts at the grocery store. ORANGE writer Sarah Roberts shares a list of wholesome foods you should be buying at your local grocery store. 


Future Brewers Club Blends Passions and Community

April 3, 2015

It’s a sunny afternoon in West Campus. Speakers blast the Kinks’ “Waterloo Sunset,” and sophomore Will Cravens home brews beer.

How To Be an Adult: Know Your Alcohol

February 23, 2015

As you transition into adulthood, you will want to be able to identify alcoholic beverages outside Smirnoff shots and Keystone. 


8 Dishes You Can Bring To Friendsgiving

November 26, 2014

As Thanksgiving approaches, a collective feeling of excitement grows among University of Texas at Austin students. Thanksgiving marks our first real break from class, even if it is only two days. While many students look forward to going home to a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with their families, others will remain in Austin and celebrate with their friends. This practice has been dubbed Friendsgiving. 


29 Fun, Healthy Ways To Use Coconut Oil

November 24, 2014

If you are the slightest bit interested in health and wellness, you have probably heard about the latest super food craze: coconut oil. It’s no secret that people are going nuts for coconuts, but why is this natural oil so popular? Well, it turns out this energy-boosting food can be used in multiple ways from cooking with it to rubbing it in your hair. 


New App Hooks Students On Campus Deals

November 24, 2014

From checking the bus schedule to swiping right for your next date, mobile apps are making many aspects of our lives seemingly easier. Although some are designed for purely entertainment purposes, others can help us save time and money. With 25,000 downloads within the past year, Hooked has earned a spot as one of top apps among University of Texas at Austin students. Offering real-time deals from restaurants around campus, it comes as no surprise that students love Hooked. 

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