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Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin


Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin


Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin



Letter from the Music Editor: And in the End…

August 21, 2014

They say home is where the heart is. They forgot to mention that home is where the comfy bed, working kitchen appliances and free Wi-Fi are as well. We got back from tour a couple of weeks ago. I’ve been meaning to sit down and write my final reflections on the whole adventure ever since then, but truthfully, I’ve been trying to enjoy my last week and a half at home before I leave yet again, this time until December at the earliest. Hey, this is the first stress-free week I’ve had all summer.


Letter from the Music Editor: The Tour Hustle

July 28, 2014

We just had two days off, yet I didn't write a single word about the tour in our downtime. Instead, it's back to the iPhone notes while sitting in the back of the van. Good to know I maintained my stellar work ethic from the school year.

Letter from the Music Editor: Rolli Heads to ATX

July 19, 2014

Story by Bryan RolliPhoto by Jane Claire Hervey I'm starting this post on Friday afternoon in a note on my iPhone, sitting in the backseat of our van on the way from Fayetteville, Arkansas to Lawton,...