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Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin


Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin


Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin



The Power of Representation: Three Women of Color Running in Campus-Wide Elections

March 2, 2017

ORANGE is taking a step back and passing the mic to three women of color who are running in this year’s campus-wide elections.


Event Recap: Tales from the Texas Tribune Fest

September 26, 2016

Here's a recap of the events ORANGE attended at the festival.


Who to See at the 2016 Texas Tribune Festival

September 20, 2016

Here's a list of five speakers ORANGE thinks you should have on your radar.


Through the Lens: 5-1-Tunes Fest Recap

May 13, 2016

Couldn't make it to ORANGE Magazine's 5-1-Tunes Fest this semester? Check out these photos to see what you missed.


21: A Birthday Celebration for Trayvon Martin

February 8, 2016

Trayvon Martin would have turned 21 this month. It’s been four years since his violent death shook America like an earthquake, and we still feel the aftershocks of grief when we remember his painful passing.


Influencer: Meet Nia

February 4, 2016

Nia Wesley sat down with ORANGE Magazine after winning the ATX Influencer Award to talk journalism, blackness and her plans to become a household name.


People of Color As Depicted in East Austin Street Art

February 2, 2016

The street art shines as a testament to the community's resilience.


Teatro Vivo: Changing the Scope of Latin American Theater in Austin

November 4, 2015

When Rupert and JoAnn Reyes aren’t taking care of their grandchildren, they’re running Teatro Vivo, a theatre company where Latinos come together to create and perform bilingual plays for the Austin community.

UT Alum’s Short “Motherland” to Debut at Austin Film Festival

November 3, 2015

Among the AFF badge holders is Dew Napattaloong, a UT graduate whose short film about a Thai family is featured in the festival

Humans of the Texas Book Festival

October 19, 2015

By Mia UhunmwuanghoThe Texas Book Festival comes to the Capital every year with vendors, publishers, authors and musicians from various genres. Every year there’s a cooking tent, a tent for poetry...


#BlackStudentsMatter: The State of Black UT

February 27, 2015

Black students at the University of Texas at Austin are running a race with the past, and the dizziness reaches its peak every February during Black History Month.


African Student Union’s Fest Africa Will Combine Traditional Culture and Modern Style

November 4, 2014

For African students at the University of Texas at Austin, the phrase “when in Rome, do as the Romans do” is easier said than done. There will always be some level of cultural disconnect as they tip-toe across the fine line of being “too African,” or “not American enough.” It’s the epic struggle of wanting to fit in, while trying not to lose the one thing that makes you different. For so long, it seemed that African students were faced with only two options: forsake their African culture and assimilate into American culture or be labeled an outcast for choosing to be African. But by creating the Fest Africa program, the African StudentsAssociation at UT attempts to show that it doesn’t always have to be one or the other.

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