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Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin


Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin


Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin



The New York Times’ Publisher Speaks on Diversity

March 29, 2018

Former New York Times publisher, Arthur Sulzberger, spoke about his past and the future of journalism to a packed room of University of Texas at Austin journalism students


Through the Lens: Robert DeLong in Studio 1A

February 19, 2016

Robert DeLong dropped by KUTX's Studio 1A to perform an on-air, live show for students from the Moody College of Communications.

5 Life Lessons from Dan Rather

April 14, 2014

Not everyday do I sit in the same room as Dan Rather. I watched him from two tables over. With my iPhone, I zoomed in on his face as he ate the same brunch I did (which he may have perhaps chosen from the same buffet table I did — cue the screams!), until I felt I had successfully captured enough photos of him for my invaluable archives, uniquely titled “Camera Roll.”

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