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Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin


Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin


Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin


Catering to Your Cravings and Why We Can’t Eat Healthy

Catering to Your Cravings and Why We Can’t Eat Healthy

Angelie Aggarwal June 4, 2024

College students get a bad rap when it comes to managing our nutrition. We either buy too much junk food, spend too much money ordering DoorDash, or go three days without consuming anything other than...


10 Simple Ways to Reduce Sugar Intake

April 4, 2019

Here are simple ways to better understand sugar intake and make more nutritious choices.


Seasonal Vegetables: Lowering Your Grocery Costs

December 5, 2018

Instead of compromising health for cost, focus on what is in season and save money in the process.


Simply Sarah: Six Easy Changes to Live Healthier

April 30, 2015

What better time than the cusp of summer to make some simple diet changes? These six simple tips will improve your physical and mental well being, and they’re easy enough to start today.

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