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Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin


Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin


Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin



Simply Sarah: Healthy Ingredients That Should Be in Your Nutrition Bars

February 27, 2015

It's hard to choose the right snack. We’re constantly encountering foods filled with bad fats, extremely high levels of added sugar and ingredients we can’t pronounce. But in the sea of unhealthy products is a better option for nourishment: nutrition bars.


GMOs: What Are We Saying “No” To?

September 29, 2014

Austin’s food scene is kind of magical. We have an abundance of tacos and junk food (hello, Gourdough’s) but we also have the sort of crunchy health food ethos that makes us proud to be one of the fittest cities in the nation. Health-conscious restaurants often use descriptors like “non-MSG” and “locally sourced” to explain their approach to food. The newcomer buzzword to the health world is “non-GMO.”

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