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Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin


Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin



Quiz: Which Austin Record Store Are You?

April 13, 2019

Every April, music lovers gather in the vinyl stacks for Record Store Day, a celebration of the independent music stores still going strong on the promise of physical music.


Records That Are Worth the Wait in Lines At Record Store Day

April 21, 2018

This year’s Record Store Day falls on April 21, so here are some releases to look out for.


Spoon Performs Special Show for Record Store Day

April 28, 2017

This past Saturday, Austin band Spoon put on a special show for patrons at End of an Ear Record Store on Record Store Day. 


Record Store Day Round Up

April 21, 2017

A day of exclusive music and long lines full of eager fans. No, this is not SXSW again, it’s Record Store Day.


The Relics from Record Store Day

April 21, 2015

Hours before dawn on Saturday morning, music junkies camped outside Waterloo Records, eager to make a killing at Record Store Day. Music lovers across the country are now enjoying their new prizes at home as they wait for next year. 

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