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Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin


Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin


Online news & entertainment magazine at UT Austin



The Professional Prejudice Against Tattoos

March 24, 2014

Imagine: A woman walks into a corporate job interview and her arms are covered in tattoos. Now, imagine another woman with no tattoos, but rather, apparent breast implants walking into the same interview. They are equally qualified for the position ā€” who is more likely to get the job? 


5-1-Tunes: Ogden Payne

March 23, 2014



Festival Mumbo Jumbo and Gumbo: My Return to the Land of Mardi Gras

March 23, 2014

Austin is a city that lacks very little. After about seven months of being an adopted Austinite and UT student, Iā€™ve come to realize that I could stay here for the rest of my life and never grow tired of it. Austin has stolen my heart. But it isnā€™t my first love. Louisiana is.

The Bayou State.


Review: Hip-hop Duo Magna Carda Debuts “Van Geaux”

February 24, 2014

Somewhere within Austinā€™s ever-emerging hip-hop scene, Megz Kelli and Chris ā€œDougie Doā€ Beale have created their own space as Magna Carda, melting the lines between local R&B and rap to create something all their own. Their latest project, Van Geaux,boasts a polished, yet underground feel, focused on establishing their own identity rather than trying to mimic those at the roots of hip-hop. The laid-back charisma between the two cool kids resonates clearly on each track, with Kelliā€™s rhythmic, stop-on-a-dime flow and Bealeā€™s instrumental flourishes making the perfect bedmates.